About depth in my paintings

The red painting with flowers overthrows the tradional bunch of flowers on a nondescript background. The red background has become so strong that it acts as an abstract colour field.
"Kairouan", made after a trip toTunesia, shows the interior of a hotel room. The background is an enlarged view I had through a little window above the bed. This way different spaces are put next to each other. Another painting showing this approach is a view in my studio. Another approach can be found in a series of waterlillies.


Kairouan, Tunesia


Buttercups with landscape II

In "Poppies" the white field around the image, apart from being white, acts as a sky in the upper part of the painting. This makes it seem to be further away than the white in the bottom part.
The last one is a triptych with two flat panels and a landscape. The buttercups connect the two sides and form a layerof their own.
